Snake Plants

Welcome to our Snake Plant category page, covering all you need to know about you dracaena trifasciata (a.k.a. sansevieria trifasciata). See all our articles below, including: care guides like Snake Plant Care, and FAQs like can snake plants live outside.

  • Snake Plant Rooted I Water
    Propagation,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti,  Water Propagation

    Snake Plant Propagation In Water

    Welcome to our guide to snake plant propagation in water. Snake plant (a.k.a. mother in laws tongue, a.k.a. dracaena trifasciata, previously known as sansevieria trifasciata before it was re-classified), it is a really popular succulent and it often surprises people that it can be rooted and grown in water, we cover all you need to know… How To Propagate Snake Plant In Water My preferred method of propagating snake plants is to cut a whole leaf off, chop it up and let the wounds callous over, then water propagate the cuttings until they root, then finally pot them up into soil. It’s a really easy way to get new snake…

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  • Sansevieria Moonshine
    Plant Care,  Propagation,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti

    Sansevieria Moonshine

    Welcome to our guide to the Sansevieria Moonshine all to you need to know about care and propagation… Sansevieria Moonshine Care Summary Light needs: Bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: Check soil weekly, only water if dry all the way down. Fertilizer: Dedicated succulent feed in warmer months. Soil: A cactus and succulent compost. Humidity: 40%. Temperature: 18°C-30°C (65-85°F). Where to buy: Try our list of Rare Plant Shops. Other names: Silver Snake Plant. Common issues: Overwatering. Introduction My favorite snake plant, the sansevieria moonshine is a real stunner and super easy to grow and propagate. I love the silvery green hues to it, I have a few in my collection.…

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  • Sansevieria Moonshine Propagation
    Propagation,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti

    Sansevieria Moonshine Propagation

    Welcome to our guide to sansevieria moonshine propagation. This one of my favorite plants of all the dracaena trifasciata. It is fairly easy to propagate, if slow growing. I cover everything in step by step instructions with pictures of my own propagations. See also: Sansevieria Moonshine for a full guide to caring for this plant, as well as our other posts: dracaena trifasciata care, and all our snake plant guides and FAQ articles can be found in our snake plant category. Welcome to our guide to propagation of one my favorite succulents, the Sansevieria moonshine. We cover 3 methods of sansevieria moonshine propagation: Sansevieria Moonshine Propagation By Division What You’ll…

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  • Snake Plant Care
    Plant Care,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti

    Snake Plant Care (Dracaena Trifasciata)

    The key to snake plant care is to make sure they do not get over watered, other than this they are tough and hardy plants that survive almost all household locations. Snake Plant Care (Dracaena Trifasciata) Care Summary Light needs: Bright light for better growth but can survive in low light too. Watering needs: Let the soil dry out completely before watering again. Fertilizer: Do not need feeding, but you can use a cactus and succulent fertilizer once a month in the growing months to encourage a quicker growth. Soil: Cactus and succulent compost. Humidity: 40%. Snake plants do not need any special humidity conditions. Temperature: 18°C-30°C (65-85°F). Where to…

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  • Whale Fin Plant
    Plant Care,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti

    Whale Fin Plant – Sansevieria Masoniana – Dracaena Masoniana Care

    Welcome to our care guide to the Whale Fin Plant… Whale Fin Plant Care Summary Light needs: Medium to bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: Check weekly, only water is soil completely dry.   Fertilizer:  A dedicated cactus and succulent fertilizer in the summer. Soil: Cactus and succulent potting mix. Humidity: They do not need extra humidity. Temperature: 18-25°C (64-77°F). Where to buy: Try our list of Rare Plant Shops. Other names: Sansevieria masoniana. Dracaena masoniana. Common issues: Overwatering and root rot. Introduction The whale fin plant is known for it’s big fin-like appearance. They used to be know as sansevieria masoniana, but it’s scientific name is now dracaena masoniana, as…

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  • Can Snake Plants Live Outside
    Frequently Asked Questions,  Snake Plants,  Succulents and Cacti

    Can Snake Plants Live Outside?

    Introduction Can snake plants live outside? Welcome to our concise guide covering all you need to know about snake plants (aka dracaena trifasciata) living and thriving outdoors. Can Snake Plant Survive Winter Outside? Snake plants can live out doors as long as it does not get down to freezing. You’ll need to bring them indoors when temperatures drop that low. I have known mine to survive some freezing temperatures as a one off but not for more than a few days. The bigger the plants, the better they can survive colder temperatures, and if they do get damaged the chance of them growing back is increased the larger they are.…

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