Philodendron Elegans
Philodendron,  Plant Care,  Propagation

Philodendron Elegans

Welcome to our guide to the Philodendron Elegans, covering care and propagation, including water, soil, humidity and temperature needs.

The key to caring for it is to not let it sit in soggy soil, and keep it fairly humid.

Philodendron Elegans Care Summary

Light needs:Medium indirect sunlight.
Watering needs:Check soil weekly and only water the plant is the top half of the soil is dry.
Fertilizer:Use a well diluted balanced fertilizer every 3 or 4 weeks in spring and summer.
Soil:A mix of orchid bark and perlite with potting compost.
Humidity:60% and over.
Temperature:22-29°C (72-85°F).
Where to buy:Try our list of Rare Plant Shops.
Other names:Skeleton Key Philodendron.
Common issues:Leaf yellowing and wilting from over watering.


An attention grabbing houseplant, the Philodendron Elegans, has deep fenestrations, leaving elegantly slender, skeletal leaves. It grows naturally in Colombia.

See also: Philodendron Soil, Philodendron Atabapoense Care, Philodendron Gigas Care, Philodendron Pastazanum Care, Philodendron Plowmanii Care.

Light Needs

Medium indirect sunlight is ideal. No direct as it will burn the leaves. I would keep this in a west or south facing window.

How Often To Water Philodendron Elegans

Check the soil weekly and only water the plant if the top half of the soil is dry. You do not want to overwater these as they get root rot easily. Only water them most of the soil is dry, if in doubt underwater them as they can get root rot is allowed to sit in wet soil for too long.


Use a well diluted balanced fertilizer every 3 or 4 weeks in the spring and summer months.


They need to be well draining to avoid root rot, I use a mix of orchid bark and perlite with potting compost, all in equal parts. For more on how to make your own philodendron soil see our guide: Philodendron Soil.

Tip: an really easy way to make a philodendron soil is to add 1 part perlite to 4 parts potting compost, to give a well draining mix that they like. If you want to go further then give them a mix of equal parts potting compost, perlite and orchid bark for a really chunky and airy well draining mix. For more on philodendron soil see our guide: Philodendron Soil.

When to Repot Philodendron Elegans

They can grow quickly, so keep an eye on the roots and if they get crowded, give the plant a new home in a bigger pot. I check all my plants roots at easter time and if they are getting crowded I give them bigger pots so that they can grow well as it gets warmer.


Aim for 60% and over, those elegant leaves really like to be humid.

Tip: Keep them humid, aim for 60% in the day and they’ll be ok with a bit less at night. You can buy a humidity meter (affiliate link) to keep an eye on maximum and minimum levels.


A good range in the daytime is 22-29°C (72-85°F), try to keep them above a minimum of 12°C (54°F) at night or in the winter.

How to Propagate Philodendron Elegans

You can water propagate a stem cutting, and when it has developed roots, pot it up into soil. It should take about 3 months. Make sure you get a good cutting with one leaf and one node, you then need to let the wound callous over for a few hours to reduce the risk of rot. Then you can put them in filtered tap water, and keep them warm and well lit until they root, which should take about two months. Once they are well rooted, pot them up into soil and keep them humid until established and putting out new leaf growth.

philodendron elegans price

They do not crop up very often but when they do they go for about 50 euros / 50USD (at time of writing) for a small but established plant, cuttings go for less and established plants go for more.

philodendron elegans USDA Zone

Zones 10-11.

Is It A Climber Or Crawler?

The Philodendron Elegans is a climbing philodendron.

Philodendron Elegans Vs Mayoi

They are similar but can be told apart as the mayoi has dark red, almost burgundy petioles and stems, the elegans does not.

Is Philodendron Elegans Toxic To Cats?

They are toxic to cats and dogs if consumed, so seek vets advice if your pets eats any.

Philodendron Elegans Vs Tortum

They are both deeply fenestrated philodendrons but you can tell the difference between them as the tortum is much thinner, and slender and more skeletal.

Other Names

Skeleton Key Philodendron.

Where To Buy

Try our list of Rare Plant Shops.

FAQs and Common Problems

They get leaf yellowing and wilting from over watering. Makes sure the plant is in a well draining soil, and that it does not sit in water. Let the soil dry out most of the way down before watering it again.

Additional Resources


Other Articles You Might Like

There you have it, here ends our guide to this beautiful plant. You might also like our other articles:

Philodendron Soil, Philodendron Atabapoense Care, Philodendron Gigas Care, Philodendron Pastazanum Care, Philodendron Plowmanii Care.

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Philodendron Elegans
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