Epipremnum Pinnatum
Plant Care,  Pothos

Epipremnum Pinnatum

Welcome to our guide to epipremnum pinnatum care. It’s an easy to care for plant, we cover all you need to know…

Epipremnum Pinnatum Summary

Light needs:Medium to bright indirect sunlight.
Watering needs:Check weekly, water if top 50% of the soil is dry.
Fertilizer:A balanced fertilizer once a month in spring and summer.
Soil:A well draining potting mix with 10-20% perlite. 
Temperature:16-27°C (60-81°F).
Where to buy:Try our list of Rare Plant Shops or Etsy.
Common issues:Overwatering.


The epipremnum pinnatum is a pothos, very similar to the standard pothos epipremnum aureum. It also has some very striking looking variations, like the pinnatum dragon tail. We’ll go into the care on these below…

See also: Pothos Propagation, Cebu Blue Pothos, Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight, Glacier Pothos, Epipremnum Pinnatum.

Tip: we recommend Etsy for buying plants. Look for the best rated seller you can, and try to buy as close to your home as possible so the plant does not travel too far.

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Light Needs

This pothos needs medium to bright indirect sunlight do not give it any direct sun though.

How Often to Water

Check your plant once a week, use your finger to feel if the top half of the soil is dry and do water it if it is still wet. After watering make sure you tip out any excess water out of the outside pot so that the soil does not get waterlogged which can cause rot.


You can use a balanced plant feed once a month in spring and summer on this pothos. If you don’t feed it, the plant will still be fine it’s just if you do, the plant should grow much quicker and fuller.


Use a well draining potting compost for this process I like to add about 10 to 20% perlite to the mix just to make sure that it is light and airy and well draining. Do this especially if you buy a cheap multi-purpose compost from the store.

When To Repot

Repot when it has outgrown its current pot. You can repot this plant year round but the best time to do it is in spring just before the growing season so the plant has enough time to grow into its new pot.

Tip: I check all my plants at Easter time and look at the roots, then pot them up a size if they are starting to get crowded. This way they will have room to grow over warmer growing months.


The plant will do well in normal household humidity levels but it will absolutely thrive in 50% humidity which is towards the high end of most households. So the best thing to do is to give it a misting a few times a week, or put it on top of a pebble bath. This is a tray of pebbles under the plant with water on them which will evaporate slowly increasing the local humidity around the plant.


The ideal temperature range for this plant is 16-27°C (60-81°F). Don’t let it get too cold in winter.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Propagation

It’s an easy plant to propagate. You just need to take cuttings with a node and one leaf each, and plant them in moist soil or sphagnum moss. Put them in a humid place (or put a plastic bag over the pot). Then put it in a warm and bright window sill but out of direct sunlight. Keep it moist and let new air get to it daily. It should root within two months, and can then be potted up. You’ll know when it is ready as you’ll see new leaf growth.

For more on pothos see our pothos category with all our care guides.

Epipremnum Pinnatum USDA Zone

You can put them outdoors all year in zones 10-11.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegata

The epipremnum pinnatum variegata is a white and green variegation version of the e. pinnatum. As far as care goes, this plant should be treated the same as the non-variegated version.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Dragon Tail

The epipremnum pinnatum dragon tail has slightly more slender leaves that the standard plant when small, and when it develops it will fenestrate (split like a monstera).

Epipremnum Pinnatum Vs Cebu Blue

The cebu blue is a type of epipremunm pinnatum. there are other epipremnums that are not cebu blue. Cebu blue is know for it’s light green leaves with a blue hue.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Vs Rhaphidophora Decursiva

Most epipremnum pinnatums are very different from the rhaphidophora decursiva, but the epipremnum pinnatum dragon tail is very similar as the leaves split in the same way. The rhaphidophora decursiva is a lighter green and spits in a more symmetrical way.

Epipremnum Pinnatum Vs Pothos

You can tell the difference between these two epipremnums as pothos (epipremnum aureum) have wider leaves than the more slender epipremnum pinnatum.

Can You Grow Epipremnum Pinnatum In Water?

Yes, you can root and grow all epipremnums in water. They can grow in water indefinitely as long as they were started in water as a cutting.

Is Epipremnum Pinnatum A Pothos?

The epipremnum pinnatum is not a pothos, the pothos is a similar and related plant known scientifically as epipremnum aureum.

Is Epipremnum Pinnatum Toxic To Cats?

They are toxic to cats, although very rarely life threatening, they can cause vomiting, so seek vets advice if eaten.

Where To Buy

Try our list of Rare Plant Shops or Etsy.

Epipremnum Pinnatum FAQs and Common Problems

These plants are really tough and you should not get many problems with them. That being said, the most common cause of problems is overwatering, if you water the plant and it’s in an external container and water gets left in that container it can cause root rot – the plant can die or you can get drooping and brown spots. So the best thing to do is to make sure after watering that you tip out any excess water and that you only water when it needs it.

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