Bird Of Paradise

  • Bird Of Paradise Plant Care
    Bird Of Paradise,  Plant Care

    Bird Of Paradise Plant Care

    Welcome to our guide to bird of paradise care. In general a bird of paradise plant is a great houseplant, just make sure they get plenty of indirect sunlight. Bird Of Paradise Plant Care Summary Light needs: Medium to Bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: It should be dry a finger depth down from the top at least, before watering. Check it once a week. Fertilizer: Use a balanced fertilizer once a month in the warmer months. Soil: Well draining compost with plenty of organic matter. Humidity: Will do well in humid environments, but will do just fine in normal household humidity too. Temperature: Will do fine in household temperatures, do…

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  • Bird Of Paradise Propagation
    Bird Of Paradise,  Propagation

    Bird Of Paradise Propagation

    Birds of paradise are easy to propagate by dividing the pups at the base… Bird Of Paradise Propagation Birds Of Paradise are beautiful plants. They look stunning inside and outside. We have a few in our small apartment and they transform the space. Here’s our guide to Bird of Paradise Propagation… The key to propagating a bird of paradise is to wait until it produces smaller ‘pup’ plants at the base, then when they are a good size just take the plant out of its pot, shake off as much soil as you can then spit the pups at the rhizome, taking some of the roots with the pup, keeping damage…

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