
  • Rhaphidophora Korthalsii
    Plant Care,  Rhaphidophora

    Rhaphidophora Korthalsii Care

    Welcome to our guide to rhaphidophora korthalsii care, we cover all you need to know… Rhaphidophora Korthalsii Care Summary Light needs: Medium to bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: Check the plant once a week in autumn and winter, twice a week in spring and summer, water only when the top half of soil is dry. Fertilizer: Use a balanced feed once a month in the spring and summer. Soil: A really well draining soil mix. Humidity: 50-60%. Temperature: 20°C-30°C (50°F-85°F). Where to buy: Try our list of Rare Plant Shops or Etsy. Common issues: Root rot and over watering. Introduction The rhaphidophora korthalsii is similar in growth to the monstera…

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  • Rhaphidophora Tenuis
    Plant Care,  Rhaphidophora

    Rhaphidophora Tenuis Care

    Welcome to our guide to rhaphidophora tenuis care… Rhaphidophora Tenuis Care Summary Light needs: Medium to bright indirect sunlight. Watering needs: Check once a week, only water if top half of soil is dry. Fertilizer: A balanced fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer. Soil: 60% potting compost, 20% orchid bark, 20% perlite. Humidity: 50-60%. Temperature: 20°C-30°C (50°F-85°F). Where to buy: Try our list of Rare Plant Shops. Common issues: Leggy stems and small leaves due to lack of climbing medium. Introduction The rhaphidophora tenuis is a thin leaved plant almost like a philodendron tortum, and when mature produces big, heavily fenestrated leaves. See also: Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Care.…

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