Philodendron White Princess Propagation

The nodes can be really close together on a white princess so be very careful with a knife to make the cuttings without damaging the nodes.

Step 1: Take the cuttings

Being really careful not to cut the nodes, trim the cuttings so you have one leaf and one node per cutting.

Step 2: Trim the cuttings

Put the the cuttings aside for 3 or 4 hours so the open wounds seal over. Then can get mushy and rot easily if they go into water with open cuts.

Step 3: Set the cuttings aside

Get a jar of filtered tap war and put all the cuttings in it. You want to try to set it up so the leaves don’t hit the water but the nodes are under the surface, as leaves can rot and turn the water cloudy if they get too wet.

Step 4: Put the cuttings in water

Put the cuttings in medium to bright indirect sunlight. Keep the water topped up, only change it if it goes cloudy. They start to root in days, and in month or so should be well-rooted enough to move to another medium like leca or soil.

Step 5:  Keep it well lit and the water topped


You can read the full guide to propagating the White Princess with step by step pictures here....