Philodendron Burle Marx Care Guide

Philodendron burle marx care is all about keeping it’s roots in a well draining medium and only watering it when the soil is mostly dry as they get root rot easily when wet…

Philodendron burle marx care is all about keeping it’s roots in a well draining medium and only watering it when the soil is mostly dry as they get root rot easily when wet…



Bright indirect sunlight is ideal for this plant, just don’t let it get burnt by direct sunlight.

Light Needs

Check your plant once a week but only water it if the top 50% of soil is dry. 

Water Needs

Feed this plant a balanced fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer months.


Use a well draining soil mix with an added 20% perlite. Or you can mix orchid bark, perlite and soil in equal parts for something more chunky.


50% humidity is ideal, which is at the higher end of normal households.


The ideal range is 18°C to 25°C (64-77°F). They will be fine in most homes as long as they don't get too cold at night.


That's it for our short guide to philodendron Burle Marx care. For more on how to care for and propagate this plant see our full guide...

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